beauty, Beauty product, review

UNBOXING + mini REVIEW: PERFECT BEAUTY.ID as a gift from SBB 6th Soiree

Hello, readers! Thank you so much for appreciating my blogs XOXO now i wanna write another one... Enjoy..! Meskipun sudah melaksanakan soiree lebih dari 1 kali, tapi acaranya surabaya beauty blogger yang satu ini, selalu konsisten asyik banget dan tentunya didukung dengan brand partner yang asyik juga, dan special for us, untuk soiree ke 6… Continue reading UNBOXING + mini REVIEW: PERFECT BEAUTY.ID as a gift from SBB 6th Soiree

beauty, Beauty product, review

MILKY WAY Starry Eyed Absolute new york shimmer eyeliner

Well, hello again readers.., thank you so much for appreciating my blogs, and make me more excited to write another one! XOXO Let's enjoy... Masih di bulan april yaitu bulan yang menjadi favorit aku selain bulan mei (ehem), aku pingin me-review salah satu make up tools yang menjadi favorit aku juga nih, selain lip cream,… Continue reading MILKY WAY Starry Eyed Absolute new york shimmer eyeliner

beauty, Beauty product, review

Review: EMINA’S products for travelling

Holla march, holla everyone! Thank you, thank you and thank you so much for always visit my blogs, let's get started a new one... Siapa yang ga suka travelling? Yaa, travelling ke tempat baru dan menghilangkan kepenatan kita dari aktifitas rutin yang sudah mencapai tingkat kebosanan yang tinggi. Thank God, dalam waktu dekat ini aku… Continue reading Review: EMINA’S products for travelling

Beauty product


Hello guys, once again, thank you so much for appreciating my blog, yes, every posts! I'm so blessed and happy, and of course i never tired to always learn and get inspired by all of you I love you all. Today i wanna share about beauty again, super excited, But is not about make up,… Continue reading Review: MANDI SUSU TREATMENT BY MARIA ELIZABETH CLINIC SURABAYA


Congratulation, Ayam gepruk suroboyo~

Haiii guys, i'm back , thank you so much for appreciating my last blog, i love you all! anyway, this time i wanna write different topic, not about beauties but about food, everybody loves food, isn't it? Okay, here we go... Pedas itu rasa favorit lidah indonesia, setuju gak gaisss?, kapanpun dan dimanapun, pasti cari… Continue reading Congratulation, Ayam gepruk suroboyo~

Beauty product

Event report: Viva’s 55th years anniv’ gathering with surabaya’s bloggers.

Big thanks to: Surabaya beauty blogger Viva cosmetics Hello guys, as usual thank you for visit, like or view my last blog, really appreciate that!!! hope you like my another blogs too. Once again, thank you so much! XoXo Okay, let's get started... Kali ini agak berbeda, bukan review produk kosmetik yaaa...., tapi tetap berhubungan… Continue reading Event report: Viva’s 55th years anniv’ gathering with surabaya’s bloggers.